Mount Gay Distilleries Ltd.

Every great story begins with a time and a place. For Mount Gay Rum that time and place is the Caribbean Island of Barbados in 1703. Rum originally called “Kill-Devil” by the Barbadians who first distilled it is truly a product of the island. The abundance of molasses combined with the culinary ingenuity of early settlers and of course their legendary thirst for alcohol lead to this unique discovery in the production of spirits. Sir John Gay was a respected leader and businessman who worked tirelessly in service of the island of Barbados. A friend of Sir John Gay’s the contrarily named John Sober inherited a then-unknown distillery and had asked for Sir John’s help in managing it. Sir John Gay took quickly to the business of making rum. He refined the distillation process and began producing a noticeably superior product that we know today as Mount Gay Rum.

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