CMB Water Ltd


The first bottle of Kingsdown rolled off the production line in June 1995. The business was founded by William Bomer and began life as a small family business. Since then Kingsdown has flourished – their production site and head office is based at the Kingsdown source on the North Downs, they have an established distribution depot in south east London, and Kingsdown is stocked by hotels, restaurants, bars, and clubs throughout the United Kingdom and beyond, with export markets ranging from South Korea to the United Arab Emirates.

Products from CMB Water Ltd...

Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles
Increase number of bottles Decrease number of bottles