Giscours has a long and rich history, which can be traced back to the fourteenth century at which time it was a defensive tower overlooking a wild and inhospitable region. The real beginning of the château came in 1552, when Pierre de L'homme, a wealthy Bordeaux draper, bought a nobleman’s house called “Guyscoutz” and proceeded to turn it into a vast estate and planted the first vines. Wine production was launched and each of the rich merchant’s successors made their own contribution to this magnificent building. It was in the nineteenth century under the Pescatore and Cruse families that Giscours gained much of its finery: the château was transformed into neoclassical palace. 30 years ago this 300 hectare estate reigned supreme, but its form dipped in the 80’s and 90’s. Now it is back on top form since a change of ownership in 1995 that saw Eric Albada Jelgersma take control.