Type: Whiskies
Country: Sweden
Region: Gävle
Code: MACK035
In Sweden we have used juniper to season our food for generations. Now you can enjoy the timeless flavor in a golden form. The aroma is slightly smoky and spicy, with a much smokier flavor and peaty juniper notes. Together, the flavors unites in a quite unique Swedish flavor.

Mackmyra Distillery

The story of Mackmyra Sweden’s first whisky distillery famously began with a ski trip in 1998 when eight friends from Stockholm’s Royal Institute of Technology went on holiday together and all brought bottles of whisky to share. In conversation during the evening the friends’ national pride was somewhat piqued by the fact that all of them had brought Scotch and discussion turned to how a Swedish distillery could be set up. One year after the idea was born in 1999 Mackmyra Svensk Whisky was founded. Later that year all the permits were in place and the first drops could be distilled. The distillery is at the beautiful Mackmyra Bruk mill in Gästrikland. When they opened for business in 1999 t...
lightly smoked and spicy nose with hints of peat, juniper, vanilla and citrus. Smokier palate with dry oaky aromas and light tobacco leaves. Slight saltiness with menerals and green fruits
Best served neat

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