Type: Lager
Country: Italy
Region: Fruili
Code: MORE090
Birra Moretti is a quality beer made in the traditional way. It is the result of a production process that has remained almost unchanged since 1859.

Birra Moretti

Luigi Moretti’s “Beer and ice factory” was founded more than a century ago in Udine, in the Friuli region. At that time, Udine was a sleepy little town, surrounded by stone walls that had been built by the local community as far back as 1350. Within those old town walls, the people of Udine worked hard for generations, intent on commerce and craftsmanship. During the climate of unrest the then 37-year-old Luigi Moretti—in the same year as the famous battles of San Martino and Solferino—looking to the future with conviction and confidence, decided to build his brewery. Born into a family of wealthy merchants, Luigi Moretti was at that time already familiar with wholesale trading in cereals,...
It is a bottom fermented beer with a golden colour. A unique taste and fragrance, perfectly balanced with a bitter taste.
Best served chilled.

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